Download Lego Nxt Scorpion Program

2020. 3. 5. 14:59카테고리 없음

How can we Check and Update the NXT Computer Brick's Firmware?' Firmware' is the 'operating system software' that goes insideyour LEGO Computer Brick to enable it to function. Your computerbrick will come with a version of this software pre-installed.Periodically, maybe once or twice a year, LEGO releases improvedversions of firmware for your LEGO computer brick. It is worthchecking before the start of each school term, if the version youare using is the current one. What version of firmware does my LEGO computer brick use now?Start up your LEGO MindStorms software; click on the top ' Go'button, click on the ' Tools' menu, select the ' UpdateNXT Firmware.'

Option; and you will see at least one ' LEGOMINDSTORMSNXTFirmwareV1.xx'where 'xx' are two numbers. In my case, I can seeLEGOMINDSTORMSNXTFirmwareV1.29. What is the latest firmware version offered by LEGO fordownload?You can find out which is the latest version of firmware offeredby LEGO. At the time of writing this paragraph (September2011) the latest version available for download to my computer was'Firmware 1.31'. Thus, my firmware version was out of date. This isprobably not serious, my old programs will continue to run OK, but Imay have some problems if I purchase some of the more modern LEGOperipherals.

Since I use several of the more recently releasedsensors, it is probably best for me to update my computer brick'sfirmware. Updating my LEGO FirmwareMy next step was to download version 1.31 of the LEGO firmware,and to install it in my computer brick. Since updating involvesplacing a file in your operating system, you may like to get yourschool technician to do this for you. If you are at home, you canfollow the procedure below which is quite safe if you are careful.This whole process is illustrated in the videos below; note that the videos can be expanded to a full screenby clicking onorinthe lower right-hand corner of the movie screens: The usualrule applies, always make sure you have a backup before you start.or,You can see from the videos above that I now have the latest LEGOfirmware version (1.31) available for my use - and if there is anyproblem with the new version, I can still fall back to using myprevious version of LEGO's firmware (1.29).


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Having both nowavailable, I end up with the bestof both worlds.Free tutorial - Updating the LEGOComputer Brick's Firmware - copyright Dr. GraemeFaulkner 2011.